3 ways music can help you through lockdown in a pandemic

So here we are, coming up to a year of this Covid-19 pandemic, little did we know back in March 2020 when the first lockdown was introduced in Ireland that we would still be in the midst of a global pandemic 11 months later. It's been a very tough and challenging year for many, with rolling lockdowns, high cases of Covid-19 and thousands of deaths here in Ireland, many people are feeling worried, anxious, depressed, and worn out by it all.

But with news of vaccine roll-outs and declining case numbers, there is a promise of hope and optimism and Spring is on its way. In all this uncertainty and in these unprecedented times people have found different ways of getting through it and making life that little bit more bearable. We are walking more, enjoying more family time and many have realised that maybe life was a bit too hectic before. Being forced to slow down has allowed us to stop and appreciate the precious moments which might have passed us by previously.

Music can be a great tool for getting through the day, especially with kids! Here are 3 ways music can help you get through lockdown life in a pandemic.

  1. Sing

    Sing your way through the day! Sing nursery rhymes with your little one or songs from their most watched programmes or movies. Sing to transition from one activity to another, like singing a tidy up song. Sing to wind down for the evening or at nap time, lullabies such as twinkle twinkle little star or any song in a calm and relaxed tone can create a sleep inducing atmosphere. Grown ups, sing your heart out in the shower, in the car, on your walk, in the kitchen, you'd be surprised how better you feel after belting out a song!

  2. Listen

    Play some lively music and get dancing! This is a great way to inject some energy into the day, change the mood if anyone is feeling like it's all too much or burn off excess energy. We love the Wiggles for a dance and sing-along.or for the grown ups play a good old 90s pop song and get moving!

    Conversely, play some relaxing music and take some time out to chill. Little ones can wind down before a nap or bedtime by listening to some relaxing music like lullabies or songs from their most loved movies, we love listening to the Disney movie Moana soundtrack to slow down before nap time. Grown ups can enjoy some chill out time and some self-care by listening to their faviourite artist or any relaxing music.

  3. Play

    Encourage kids to play various instruments, for little ones they can play percussion instruments like drums or shakers and sing along to nursery rhymes or any songs they love to sing. Older kids or adults can play too! Dust off that guitar in the attic you've always wanted to learn. Enroll in an online class or watch YouTube tutorial videos and the time will fly by. If you don't have any instruments at home, you can make them from pots and pans for drums, dried pasta or rice in tins or containers for shakers. Get older children involved in making and decorating their own instruments, the possibilities are endless!.

Music making and singing are something that is accessible to everyone, you don’t need any expensive materials or props, just sing, listen and play to get you through your day!

Keep singing!